Dog Sledding 2-Hour Tour - Langedrag Nature Park

Welcome to Langedrag – only 45 minutes from Geilo! Experience the thrill of dog sledding and try your hand at dog sledding with your own dog team. Dog sledding is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and functional ability, and is a fantastic way to experience nature – for everyone!

For anyone who loves dog sledding, the rule "The longer, the better" applies. If you have driven dog sledding before, or you feel that dog sledding will be something you will really love, then we recommend a longer trip.

With the 2-hour tour, you get to take part in a longer trip into the mountains, where you get to challenge yourself a little more as a dog sledder on some steeper slopes and a little higher in the mountains than our shorter trips. Here you get the opportunity to see how the dogs work together to get you up the mountain, and you have to pay extra attention and help where needed. If you choose this trip, you also get to either harness or harness the dogs - depending on which time you choose. The drive itself will be about 1.5 hours. The time is used for efficient dog sledding, there are no stops other than to take turns driving/sitting in the sled, and if there are any questions along the way.

Because the dogs enjoy great variety, we have this trip every Monday and Thursday.

Dog sledding 2-hour is suitable for most people from 4 years and up. It is important that you who are going to drive the sled are able to move in snow and it is important to have good winter clothing. Up in the sled, most people can have a good time as long as they are well dressed.
