Holsdagen 2024 with the tradition wedding

The traditional farmers wedding on Holsdagen shows how a wedding was carried out in the 19th century in Hallingdal. The event places great emphasis on being traditional, and has been held a quarter of a year since 1957. Holsdagen is also the start of a whole week with several activities National Park Days.

Experience how a wedding could take place in the 19th century. The program on Holsdagen is inspired by several stories from Hol municipality which you can read more about here. In connection with Holsdagen, there is a market at Hol village museum with offers of locally produced food, arts, crafts, books, etc.

In the evening you can join the Holsdagsfesten which is at Bardøla - contact the hotel for tickets.

11.00: Mass with wedding ceremony of the bride and groom in Hol old church. There is free access to the church after everyone with bunadar who is part of the bridal party has a place.

11.30: The wedding procession starts from Hol old church and goes along county road 50 to the wedding garden in Hol village museum.

12.45: The bridal party arrives at the farm at Hol village museum by Hagafoss. They are healed by napping Anne Marie Kollhus. The firefighters inform in Norwegian and English about bridal customs and traditions.

From time to time, there will be information about guesthouse traditions, etc. of the foursome men in English and Norwegian. There will be a hall of food and drink in the wedding garden. After the guest house, it is possible to get a tour of the old houses.

20.30: Holsdagsfest at Bardøla - own tickets you buy at the hotel.

Source: http://www.bondebryllaup.no/


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