The National Park Days 2024

A whole week with a wide spectrum of activities which are connected with the national parks in one way or another. Guided walks, traditional wedding, local marked and storytelling.

Here we mention just a few of the many activities taking place in Geilo and near the two National Parks, Hardangervidda and Hallingskarvet. Feel free to take this opportunity to enjoy a (bike) ride to one of the cozy mountain eateries.
The program is continuously updated, featuring both single events and ongoing activities.

A detailed overview of all events taking place during National Park Days can be found on the website under the calendar. This includes guided tours to Tvergastein, Skarvespelet, open farm at Hamarsbøen, Holsdagen with the Farmer's Wedding, and much more.

Other daily activities include theater storytelling at Geilojordet, canoe rental at Ustedalsfjorden, and boat trips on Halnefjorden. Or a visit to Langedrag Nature Park.

Dining Places Close to the Two National Parks
Dining places on Hardangervidda such as Hakkesetstølen fjellstue, Tuva Turisthytte, Halne Fjellstugu, and Torsetlia Fjellstue, and those near Hallingskarvet like Prestholtseter, Hotel Finse1222, and Storestølen Fjellhotell are open every day.

Most activities need to be pre-booked through our website. Follow the link for the complete overview here.

*On the event calendar at, you can find more information about the special events this week marked with this link.

Geilo is a Sustainable Destination, Visit Geilo AS is an Eco-Lighthouse certified company, and National Park Days is a Green Event!

We will document to the Eco-Lighthouse Foundation that requirements for work environment, procurement, energy, transport, waste, emissions, and aesthetics are met.

We encourage everyone to use public transport, carpool, or walk or bike to, from, and during National Park Days where possible. For travel to and from Geilo, we recommend taking the train or bus. Check the website or app for departures.

We also recommend the En-tur app for information on schedules for all types of public transportation.

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