
Join Pia for a pilates session

Age group: For all

Pia is a newly qualified Pilates instructor and on this occasion she and Hol Frivilligsentral have started a win-win collaboration!

Pia gets to practice having continuity in group lessons and the Frivilligsentral can offer free Pilates to the residents of Hol municipality until May!

Join this opportunity that starts on January 21st! There are 10 places per hour - so sign up! (remember to sign up if you can't come anyway)

Practical information:

Location: Fjellvang at the cultural center at 7:00-8:00 pm every Tuesday except for the winter and Easter holidays.
The session lasts approx. 45 minutes - including light stretching.
Suitable for all levels and starting points for Pilates.
Bring a water bottle and yoga mat if you have one. We have mats that can be borrowed.

At the bottom of the page is a form for registration when you are on the date you want to participate. To get to the main page with all calendar entries together at the bottom click here: Hol Frivilligsentral - Pialates

Pilates with Pia - A personal journey:

For me, Pilates is about creating a stronger connection between body, mind and breath. It is a practice that has given me better balance, increased strength and a deeper peace in everyday life. Now I want to share this with you!

Through regular practice, I have managed to find a deeper balance, strength and inner peace that spills over into all parts of my life. Experience how small, conscious movements can create big changes – both physically and mentally.

Note: the speaking will be in Norwegian, but Pia speaks perfectly English as well. The offer is for the local people, but please do not hesitate to join a lesson while you are here to meet the locals.

Taxt is from the website of Frivilligsentral Hol and translateted by Google.
